Saturday, May 14, 2011

KCWC - day four and five

day four and five saw a lot of seam ripping!

but i did finish off this pillowcase dress made from some fabric i bought yonks ago in a spotlight sale. i think i might change the tie to a ribbon as it's a bit stiff as it is. and maybe add a corsage and a ribbon trim around the bottom....

pillowcase dress

the pattern is from "making children's clothes" by emma hardy. it's supposed to have a full lining, but with it be so hot here I thought a full lining was too much, so it has a half lining. i also altered the arm holes as the ones from the pattern are HUGE! again i think H will have to wait and grow for a while before it fits her.

i also knocked up these skirts. just selvedge to selvedge, with a contrast band.

matching skirts

not sure how much productivity day six and seven will yield - but i do have a huge pile of fabric and millions and squillions of ideas from the flickr group, so i might do KCFC - kid's clothes fortnight challenge (does that acronym make anyone else hungry!)

anyway a spot of laundry is beckoning....


  1. I love those skirts! I still have lots I hope to make as well, here's hoping the next two days are productive!

  2. Love the dress, such great fabric.
    I haven't managed anything in the last 2 days - how can I not manage one hour in a day?? Hoping to make up for it today!
